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Crystal Chips, Small Points, Aura Points

Aura Quartz Chunks

Lunar Lotus

Regular price $6.50
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Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks
Aura Quartz Chunks

 High Grade A++ AURA QUARTZ 

Is created when treated with Platinum and other high quality metals that are permanently infused into the crystal within a vacuum. This process raises the vibration of the base stone, these picese are CLEAR QUARTZ , the master healing stone. While the family of Aura Quartz Connects and aligns all chakras, each colour with have a strong connection to the relevent chakra clolour.

☆ Pink ☆ This beautiful crystal strongly resonates with the Heart Chakra, and radiates unconditional love energy. By infusing the body and energy field with pure love, it offers an ability to manifest and accept pure love in the physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. Also connects to the angelic realm, repairs holes in the etheric shield and offers a sense of balanced and highly charged well-being.

☆ Apple / Green ☆ Works to open the heart space and bring healing in love and emotional matters. This gem can also be used to call in growth, prosperity, and success. It will protect you against energy drains and psychic vampires. It assists in severing ties with previous relationships that retain a mental or emotional hold despite physical separation. It is highly beneficial in multidimensional and cellular memory healing, and is an efficient receptor for programming and bringing the body into balance.

☆ Tangerine/ Orange ☆ This crystal has a dynamic energy, connected to higher forces and deeply supportive of spiritual exploration. It is great for visualization and gaining profound insight. A six-sided form is ideal for opening a blocked or un-awakened Third Eye, and heals the Third Eye and Soma Chakras after psychic trauma or restriction. It makes one more responsive and imparts the ability to face life’s challenges with equanimity and cheerfulness. Tangerine Aura unites the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras to provide a cleansing, energetic flow throughout the body and to stimulate one’s creativity. It aligns clarity, insight and perspective with strength to help the mind analyze and categorize.

☆ Aqua/ Light Blue ☆ It has a calm, relaxing effect on the emotional body and is exceptional for releasing negativity and stress, soothing and healing the aura. It is particularly stimulating to the Throat Chakra, enhancing one’s ability to express emotions in a constructive, positive manner and encouraging one to speak their truth from the heart. Aqua Aura activates soul energy, freeing one from limitation and creating space for something new. It deepens spiritual attunement, and can be an aid for conscious channeling and all types of inter-dimensional communication. Aqua Aura safeguards against psychic attack and provides profound peace during meditation, opening gateways to the angelic realm.

☆ Rainbow ☆ Activates all the energy centres in the body, clearing a path for the Life Force to manifest throughout the subtle bodies, bringing in a vibrant energy and zest for life. It is particularly supportive for those in dysfunctional relationships, by letting one see what lies ahead and helping to release negative emotions such as resentment or grief. It brings deep insights into one’s relationships at all levels, and aids letting go of karmic ties that may be hindering relationships in the current life. This transformed relationship then becomes vital and harmonious. Rainbow Aura is a master healer for any condition, and is highly beneficial in multidimensional cellular memory healing. It is an efficient receptor for programming and bringing the body into balance.

☆ Purple ☆ The gorgeous energy will stimulate both body and spirit through their powerful vibrations. It is a gemstone which facilitates communication and connection with Higher Realms, with our guides, and with our past lives. It will guide you beyond the Veil, opening the Crown Chakra, to develop and expose a whole new level of psychic and intuitive awareness.

☆ Sunshine / Yellow ☆ Has a strong connection to the solar plexus chakra, opening and stimulating this chakra so that one has a positive attitude to all of one’s life’ experiences and can see the lessons that can be learnt, whatever the outcome of those particular experiences. The high energy of this sunshine yellow coloured Aura Quartz helps to raise one’s vibrational energy so that one has a joy-filled view of the world and can radiate joy whatever situation one finds oneself in. It allows the sun to shine in one’s world! Sunshine Aura Quartz helps with energetic healing by bringing a high vibrational energy to ones energy fields.

☆ Ruby/ Red ☆ Brings in love, passion and vitality, and activates wisdom of the heart. It cleanses the Base Chakra of old survival issues, and is a protective crystal against aggression and violence, helping to heal the effects of physical abuse, especially in children. It transmutes negative emotions such as rage or resentment, and is spiritually uplifting, opening to divine consciousness. 


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